With that out of the way, here is today's bit of verse. Fortunately, no annotations were deemed necessary for these stanzas:
In order to accomplish this, they'll need
Some healthy men and women they can train.
These individuals will be the seed
from which society will grow again.
The problem here: They can't just advertise
for volunteers to live while others die.
For this to work, it must be a surprise.
It doesn't take a genius to see why.
A similar endeavor's what they need,
compatible with what they want to do.
Become involved, discredit those who lead,
then take control and work some changes through.
It just so happens something of the sort
is being planned but isn't yet in place:
an underwater test of life support
in preparation for a home in space.
© 2010 Louis A. Merrimac
The internet partially redeems itself once again: I found the secret code for the symbol. I would have typed rather than copied this part as well, but it would have been irrelevant had the internet not frustrated me in the first place.
I've been away from this a while & may have lost a brain cell or two, but on this re-read, I'm confused by stanza 26. Similar to what? Discredit whom & why?